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Equipment Warranty

Explanation of Capped Rental for Medical Equipment under Medicare


As of January 1, 2006, CMS has changed their policy in the way they pay for some types of Durable Medical Equipment. 


The equipment that has been provided (will be provided) to you is now paid under a capped rental format.


Previously you would have the choice to continue to rent or to purchase this item in the 10th month. Medicare will now pay for a rental for 13 months and then the equipment becomes yours.


This means that during the 13 months you/or your secondary will be responsible for 20% co-pay monthly until the cap has been reached. SP MEDICAL SUPPLY, LLC is responsible for maintenance and service needed during the 13 months. Once the 13 months payment is completed it will then become your responsibility for all maintenance, service, repair, or replacement parts. 




Explanation of Capped Rental for Oxygen under Medicare


As of January 1, 2006, CMS has changed its policy in the way they pay for oxygen and supplies. 


Previously Medicare paid for your oxygen and supplies at a set monthly rental for as long as you needed it. The supplier was responsible for all supplies, maintenance, service, and any additional items you needed.


Medicare will now pay 36 months for your concentrator and then it becomes yours to maintain and service. 


There will be a fixed payment for a rental fee for portable oxygen but all maintenance and service will be the responsibility of the beneficiary.

  • Products provided by SP Medical Supply have a thirty-day warranty.  

  • Upon delivery of each piece of equipment by SP Medical Supply, the beneficiary will be provided with the manufacturer’s warranty information (if available). 

  • SP Medical Supply will honor all warranties under applicable law; however, there may be times when the beneficiary must work out the warranty details with the manufacturer of the equipment. 

  • If applicable, a temporary replacement piece of equipment can be made available while your piece of equipment is being repaired.

Download your copy here.

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