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Privacy Notice

Confidentiality of Your Records



SP MEDICAL SUPPLY, LLC is required by law to maintain the privacy of all protected health information (PHI) within our organization; provide this notice of privacy practices to all patients and customers; inform patients and customers of our legal obligations, and advise our patients and customers of additional rights concerning their PHI.  SP MEDICAL SUPPLY, LLC must follow the privacy practices contained in this notice from its effective date of April 14, 2003, and continue to do so until this notice is changed or replaced.


SP MEDICAL SUPPLY, LLC reserves the right to change our privacy practices and the terms of this notice at any time provided applicable law permits the changes.  Any changes made in these privacy practices will be effective for all PHI that is maintained including PHI created or received before the changes were made.  A copy of the current privacy practices will be posted in a public place in our Facility.  All active customers will be notified as soon as it is practical of any changes by receiving a new notice of revised privacy practices.  You may request a copy of this privacy practice at any time by contacting SP MEDICAL SUPPLY, LLC


Your protected health information (PHI) may be used and disclosed for the purposes of treatment, payment, and health care operations, for example:


  • Treatment includes but is not limited to providing medications, drugs, supplies, and durable medical equipment as ordered by your physician.  For example, we may share information with a wheelchair manufacturer to meet your customized needs.

  • Payment includes but is not limited to disclose information to insurance carriers in order to determine such items as eligibility, pre-certification, billing and collection activities, obtaining documentation required by insurers, and when applicable, disclosure of limited health information to consumer reporting agencies.  For example, we may share information with your insurance company to secure payment for your medical equipment.

  • Health Care Operation includes but is not limited to the daily management of business activities, general administrative activities, licensing, accreditation, quality assurance, internal auditing, compliance, and certain marketing activities.  For example, we may share information with an accrediting body to ensure our business practices are current with industry standards.



We are permitted to use or disclose information about you without consent or authorization in the following circumstances:


  • Your PHI may be disclosed to a family member, friend, or another person to the extent necessary to help with your health care or payment of your health care but only if you agree the company may do so, as described in the Individual Rights section of this notice below.

  • Your PHI may be disclosed to a business associate of SP MEDICAL SUPPLY, LLC to assist the company with activities such as business consulting and information management.  All business associates will be bound by a contract with SP MEDICAL SUPPLY, LLC.


  • Your PHI may be used or disclosed for research purposes in limited circumstances.  PHI of a deceased person may be disclosed to a coroner, medical examiner, funeral director, or organ procurement organization for certain purposes.

  • Your PHI may be used or disclosed as required by state or federal law.  For example, PHI must be disclosed to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services upon request for purposes of determining compliance with federal privacy laws.  PHI may be disclosed when required by, workers’ compensation or similar laws; to a government agency authorized to oversee the health care system or government programs or its contractors; and to public health authorities for public health purposes.

  • Your PHI may be disclosed in response to a court or administrative order, subpoena, discovery request, or other lawful processes, under certain circumstances.  Under these circumstances, PHI may be disclosed to law enforcement officials.  In addition, PHI may disclose to law enforcement officials concerning a suspect, fugitive, material witness, crime victim, or missing person.  PHI may be disclosed to law enforcement officials or correctional institutions regarding an inmate or other person in lawful custody, in certain circumstances.

  • Your PHI may be released to appropriate authorities under the reasonable assumption that you are a possible victim of abuse, neglect, or domestic violence, or the possible victim of other crimes.  PHI may be released to the extent necessary to avert a serious threat to your health or safety or to the health or safety of others.  PHI may be disclosed when necessary to assist law enforcement officials to capture an individual who has admitted to participation in a crime or has escaped from lawful custody.

  • The PHI of Armed Forces personnel may be disclosed to military authorities under certain circumstances.  PHI may be disclosed to authorized federal officials as required for lawful intelligence, counterintelligence, and other national security activities.


6737 Poss Rd #204 San Antonio, TX 78238

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